New Years Resolution?

Happy New Year, 2016 is here!...with the New Year many have adopted resolutions that include improving health. A problem with most New Year’s resolutions is that, for most, the resolutions are rarely adhered to for real change. After eating heavy meals through the holiday season, dietary changes may be a popular consideration; though dietary changes that come with New Year’s resolutions are some of the least adhered to resolutions. Your doctors at Gallatin Valley Chiropractic would like to offer you the opportunity to improve your health and diet in a meaningful way that will not require unattainable goals.

Dr. Blair, in cooperation with Joni Evans, LCPC, LMFT and Certified Yoga Instructor, will be offering a 14-day cleanse/detox/fast with yoga workshop.  The two-week program will help you clean you GI tract, safely and effectively with real food, no products to buy or gimmicks. 

Cleansing the GI tract and detoxifying body systems promotes health on many levels, allowing body systems to function with more ease.  The body will be capable of more efficiently and effectively absorbing nutrition from food and excreting waste and toxins. 

The “fasting” portion of the program is ‘juice fasting’, which allows for some nutrition and calories to be absorbed while receiving the benefits of a fast. Intermittent fasting, such as juice fasting, has been shown to have many health benefits that include increased life span, reduced risk for most health conditions, reduced symptoms of many health conditions and has been shown to reduce systemic inflammation and to be neuro-protective. 

In a previous blog, the virtues of cleansing and intermittent fasting have been discussed.  Shifting to the first person in this blog, I would like to share my personal experience….

While in Chiropractic College, we studied diet and nutrition extensively. I was inspired to try intermittent fasting but I failed when just jumping into it without preparation.  Through a friend that is a nutritionist, I found and took part in the two-week food based cleanse that I have been doing quarterly and now share with patients and friends. I find it to be relatively gentle on the body and feel that it has had real and profound impacts on my personal health.

Prior to doing any cleanse or fast, I was relatively healthy and active (rock climbing, skiing avidly or hiking 15-20 miles in a day were relatively normal for me) but I was a bit soft in the middle and was 20-25 lbs over what I consider ideal.  After dong the 14-day cleanse the first time, I had lost 10 lbs; honestly, I think most of that weight was residual bowel content (cleanse). I felt more satiated and nourished with less food consumption and I noticed that I did not feel bloated or gassy after meals.

The second time I went through the cleanse, I did not experience the detox associated body aches with the same intensity as I had during the first cleanse and found the fasting portion of the cleanse easily manageable. 

I have now been repeating the 14-day program every 3 months for 2 years. I have maintained target weight. I feel healthier than ever. I have notice that my physical abilities have improved and feel as though I have more mental clarity.

Right now you are probably wondering, how I measure some of these personal assessments. 

-Chiropractic has always effectively managed my back pain but since cleansing and fasting intermittently, I seem to need less care and hold adjustments for longer.

-I have seen an improvement in my climbing ability.  I have been climbing rock for over 25 years. Most people my age do not continue to improve at intense physical activities as they get older and sure enough, I had experienced a plateau in my climbing ability throughout my thirties and into my forties. For those of you that don’t know, the difficulty of climbing routes is measure by a grade system; I have improved my climbing ability by a solid grade level since starting to cleanse and fast regularly…without training harder.

-The mental clarity part is purely subjective; however, research shows that intermittent fasting helps with mental clarity and fasting reduces risk and reduces symptoms for conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Many health professionals believe that a healthy diet, adequate water intake, regular exercise and healthy sleep combine to be the path to a healthy life. The 14-day Cleanse that I am hosting can give you the knowledge you need to be on a path of health eating and a healthy life.  I invite you to join me in the two-week program…and quarterly thereafter.

–Dr. Blair

Call Gallatin Valley Chiropractic if you would like to schedule an appointment or would like to discuss the cleanse or other dietary options.  406-551-2177


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